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Article: Regular Board Meeting

Regular Board Meeting



Tuesday, January 17, 2023              Jefferson High School Library

(Board packet available upon request at the Central Office.)

This agenda is subject to changes until the Friday preceding the meeting.  Please check the school website at www.jhs.k12.mt.us for the most current agenda and the packet of associated materials for the meeting.


A. Call to order-Chairperson

1. Pledge of Allegiance


B. Announcements and Public Comment. Please see information printed on the agenda and in the brochure at the entrance to the meeting about speaking to the board during this time.


C. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Previous Minutes and High School Claims and Accounts – action


D. Student Report


E. Staff Report


F. Committee Reports   


G. Administration ReportsThe board briefly reviews the written reports provided in board packet. Some specific, anticipated items are listed below.  The Board will not act on items in a report unless the item appears as an action item in the new or unfinished business sections of the agenda.

1. Clerk/Business Manager

2. Facility Manager

3. Principal/A.D.

4. Superintendent

a. Narcan Training

b. CPI Training

c. Department of Energy Grant


H. Unfinished Business- Action is always possible for Unfinished Business items.


I. New Business – Action is always possible for New Business items.

1. Policy – Committee Recommendations Weighted GPA

2. Personnel

a. New Hires – Nurse - K. Padmos, Custodial Sub.- R. Wilkinson

b. Superintendent Evaluation

3. Attendance Agreements –  3 YDI ,  11 JHS students to Helena,    1 East Helena to JHS

4. 2023-24 School Calendar Approval

5. Construction/Renovation update

6. Receipt of Boulder Association of Teachers intent to negotiate

7. Receipt of Boulder Association of Classified Employees intent to negotiate

8. MOU with Boulder Elementary School for 21st Century Program

9. ARP ESSER review Safe Return to Schools Plan


J. Communication and Comments

1. Letters to the Board –


K. Commendations and Recognition


L. Follow-up/Adjournment – upcoming agenda items




NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED HIGH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 21, 6:30 P.M.  Board chair-approved agenda items are due in the district office by the last Friday of the month prior to the board meeting. 

All board meetings are held in the Jefferson High School Library, on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  (Exceptions often occur in May and August to follow legal requirements.)  For updates, call the district office at 225-3740.


Jefferson High School Board Members

Buster Bullock, (Boulder area position)                                 Jenny Genger, (At-Large 2 position)                      Lindsey Graham (Basin area position) 

Dani Morris, Vice-Chair (At-Large 1 position)                      Cami Robson, Chair (Clancy area position)          

Justin Willcut (MT City area position)                                   Larry Rasch (At-Large 3 position)


Announcements and Public Comment.  The board welcomes and encourages public comment and wishes the public comment process to be fair and orderly.  Written comments may be submitted to the board through the District Clerk’s office.  Individuals wishing to address the board at the board meeting must sign in on the sheet provided.  The clerk will collect the sheet when the meeting begins.  Comments on topics that are on the agenda may be made when the meeting reaches that item’s point on the agenda.  Comments on non-agenda items may be made during the “Public Comment” agenda item.  To avoid violations of individual rights of privacy, a member of the public wishing to address the Board during this time will not be allowed to make comments that would infringe upon the privacy rights of any student, staff member, or member of the public during his/her designated time to speak.  Abusive or obscene comments will not be allowed.  Time allowed for comments may be limited.  Individuals will only be called upon twice for the same topic after all persons have been called upon and as time permits.  The Board may not respond to and will not act on non-agenda topics at this meeting but may schedule the topic on the agenda of a subsequent meeting.


Mission Statement

The Jefferson High School District #1’s mission is to provide the best possible education for our youth for whatever path of life they choose; to be the school of choice for students, teachers, and staff; and to be the heart of the communities we serve.

Our vision for the future:


– Achieve high test scores and graduation rates that are competitive nationally;

– Graduate with a plan for life that they feel well equipped to pursue;

– Choose our school over others because of our solid reputation;

– Feel happy, challenged, safe, and supported during their time here;

– Appreciate and fully engage in our activities that augment our core curriculum; and

– Have access to technology that enhances their learning opportunities.


– Actively support students with their time, attention and obvious commitment;

– Have the tools and resources necessary to do optimal work;

– Are proud to work here and of their contribution to the school;

– Are committed to continuing education and the use of best practices;

– Look at our District as a long-term career commitment; and

– Feel confident about the Board’s decisions and plans.

Our Administration and Board

-Commit to be knowledgeable about best practices

– Establish, devote themselves to, and evaluate their priority goals on a regular basis; and

– Work as a collaborative team to make decisions that always focus on what is best for students, teachers, and our communities.

Our communities:

– Are knowledgeable of and highly respect our commitment to excellence; and

– Support our work in many ways – their time, funds, levy votes, ideas, and enthusiasm about our students and their activities.



Negotiations/Personnel – B. Bullock, J. Willcut, J. Genger

Policy/Handbook – D. Morris, J. Genger, L. Graham

Budget/Insurance/Investments – J. Willcut, D. Morris, L. Graham

Building/Grounds/Transportation – C. Robson, B. Bullock, L. Rasch,

Technology – L. Rasch, J. Willcut, C. Robson

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