Architectural Drafting


Architectural Drawing-Drafting Syllabus - Mr. Heimann - JHS

[email protected]


Course Description:  In Architectural Drawing (first semester) students learn basic sketching, drawing and design concepts used in the profession of architecture and interior design.  Architectural Drafting-CAD (1st and 2nd semester) involves using CAD software to create architectural drawings and designs.  Both semesters work with the following concepts: Floor plans, site plans, space planning, print reading, perspective drawing, and elevations, building details and sections.  Architectural Drafting-CAD  is available for dual credit through MSU-Northern (3 cr.)


Student Expectations

-  Arrive on time and prepared for class

-  Manage your class time and assignments wisely

-  Listen attentively and take notes

-  Use your cell phone and the bathroom during the passing period between classes

-  Always act safely & respectfully 


Required Student Materials:    3 ring binder/Notebook and HB Pencil


Late Work Policy:

Projects are self-paced in nature with a weekly goal to help keep you on track. You alone are responsible for checking your grades and staying current with your assignments.  Assignments turned in past their due date will receive a 2-letter grade deduction.  Quizzes, Tests, and Final Exams cannot be made up, no exceptions.  If you are unable to make a deadline or be present for class, reach out to me ASAP so we can discuss options/ make arrangements.  

Cell Phones:

Your focus needs to be on the material being presented and the tasks you will be doing.  Cell phone usage during class time will not be tolerated, if you need to use your phone, ask permission first.  


Grading:  Your grade in this class will be an average of your attendance and professionalism grade and assignments and quizzes as outlined below:


Assessments/Quizzes:   70% of final grade

Encompasses a combination of assignments, design projects, worksheets, and quizzes.


Attendance/ Professionalism (‘Adulting’):    30% of final grade 

Regular attendance and work ethic/attitude is an important job skill and will be treated as such in my classes.  30 percent of your grade will be awarded based on your attendance, class participation, time management, and ability to follow the expectations and policies.   Disrespect, tardiness, multiple absences, cell phone use during class time, and poor time management negatively affect your Attendance / Professionalism grade.   


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